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“Never Felt Better” -Jus O


“Never Felt Better” -Jus O

Jus O is a music artist from Philadelphia, PA. He was inspired to start writing music after losing his father to a sickness. Jus O is an acronym for Just Uniquely Sharing Observations which fits both his personality and his writing style. With a very large perspective of life, the majority of his songs are vivid pictures of the world he lives versus the world he wants to live in.

After charging through multiple projects, Jus O reemerges to show us how serious he is with the music. Jus O makes a significant return with his first EP Never Felt Better. After sharing stories of the trials of being an unsigned artist and the unfortunate events of losing his loved ones while enduring the misfortune side of love in his relationships, he reminds us that he has indeed never felt better.

“Never Felt Better” is a unique sounding piece of work and it sticks out from the crowd of other like-sounding music that comes from out the Philadelphia area.  This 6 track EP gives a revelation and inside scoop of life from the perspective of Jus O.  This complete project was released on October 28, 2016 and is having great success with songs such as “Never Felt Better” produced by Mannie Il, and “Make a Way” produced by Jordeaux.

A debut album usually sets the stage for a great recording career and Jus O has delivered on all cylinders.  This EP is a touches on subjects from struggle, love, money and success and creates feeling that causes the listener to relate and understand exactly the perspective of Jus O.

“Never Felt Better” -Jus O

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