David’s Heart EP
There aren’t too many talented people who you know that can blend, gospel, west coast, southern, classical and EDM in one project and produce a heart-felt yet game-changing project. How about someone who has done all of that and made it available to to you for FREE!?
Based out of Philadelphia, PA, David Cooper believes that he is a balanced blend of Neo-Soul, Jazz, R&B, Gospel, Alternative, and Classical wrapped in good vibes and portraying an even greater message. He draws his inspiration from God and subsequent to that, people. He is an anthropologist by nature. People amuse, inspire, and confuse him all the time. Yet, a greater story is at work. He seeks to create music that brings to life things we as humans go through, yet fear to discuss. David makes all those who are willing to listen transparent, and prayerfully brings everyone to the table to talk and walk through this thing we call “everyday living”.
David’s Heart: The Prequel, is a taste of things to come. In his Debut EP, David (also known as Coop) takes you on a musical journey of adolescence into adulthood, and shares some of life’s lessons along the way. We hear and feel everything. We experience the heartbreak and love lost in Something Beautiful. And then the warm, welcoming familiar atmosphere in Family Affair. Though wrapped in a sonic-ally diverse display, David’s Heart: The Prequel is nothing short of a musical expose. Lyrically analogous lyrics tied to a vintage R&B groove make up Mixed Signals‘ DNA and the bravado that comes from finding hope in One Name and Friend of Mine.
Coop desires, above everything, that people connect to his music in a “soul-ish” way. While the EP only gives us a glimpse into what David’s Heart is (and will be), he hopes to have written the soundtrack of someone’s life. His popular statement is that he wants to “change the world, one song at a time”. When asked about his music he said, “I believe that music is more than just melody to ear, I think it’s an exchange from heart to heart, soul to soul. I have the awesome responsibility to communicate what people feel and think, but can’t say themselves. My voice is their voice, my songs become their heart’s cry.”